Are you ready for Acton Academy?
Take control of your life, so you'll never be trapped in an ordinary place again.
How to Tour and Apply
Step 1
Research: Dive deep into the philosophies behind Acton by exhausting our website and Acton Main (, student-led learning and Montessori. You will also need to watch this video before booking a tour. Once you have done this let us know what appeals to your family about this style of learning by submitting comments on what you have learned. You will be able to schedule a tour after comments have been submitted.
Step 2
Schedule a tour: After submitting a note about your research, you will be able to schedule a tour. This tour will allow you to visit campus and ask more questions about the school and its philosophies.
Step 3
Apply: Only after researching and touring are families invited to apply. Applications are available in person at the end of your tour. Parents, you will need to include a 1,000 word essay about the book Courage To Grow by the founder of Acton Academy, Laura Sandefer when sending in or dropping off your application.
Step 4
Acceptance: We will make a decision within one week of submitting your application and notify your family by phone if your application was accepted or denied.
Why a rigorous
Each individual matters! We want to know YOU.
Spots are reserved for extraordinary people, so we need to know what you’re made of.
Most schools solicit applications; we’re a learning community that only accepts committed people who believe they are going to change the world.
Begin applying now
if you are willing to:
take control of your education, work hard and challenge yourself.
Dive deep into the philosophies behind Acton by exhausting our website and ActonMain (, student-led learning and Montessori. Then let us know what appeals to your family about this style of learning by submitting your thoughts on what you have learned. Once you have submitted your comments, you will be able to schedule a tour.
Submit your research here then schedule a tour
We’re so glad you’re interested in our community and the science-backed, student-led environment that drives each one of us! As a non-traditional institution, it’s very important to us that parents understand our approach to education and feel it’s the best choice for their child and family. We are here to support you in your educational journey and hope you find this information enlightening.